Obama did not get us into Afghanistan, but he did promise to pull out, and instead he’s escalated.
Obama did not get us into Afghanistan, but he did promise to pull out, and instead he’s escalated.
Only if you’re stupid enough to think your income actually belongs to the government.
You have anger issues.
It seems like a shitty technicality
Your brain doesn’t work.
Well, the other poster/dipshit referred to him as a “rapist.”
She supports those laws, and the bullshit “war on drugs” still, today.
No, you’re really not.
Actually, given that Kara’s a dipshit, in this case she would probably call it “mansplaining.”
So how do you propose they discipline a student who sexually assaults another student?
And universities are rarely concerned with due process.
With Hillary, at the very least, the classes won’t be cut.
Since the kid
Liberal gun logic:
Kids are not short adults. It’s the height of ignorance that we hold them to the same standards as fully grown, mentally mature adults.
“Believes 14 year olds who shoot at police are likely to get shot (or kill somebody) and therefore shouldn’t show at police” is, in your mind, “racist troll.”
You’re not very good at thinking.
How to get elected to your local State Rep house.
You’re an idiot.