Yes. The reason this black man from the city of St. Louis who is accused of rape is still walking free is because the police are white supremacists.
Yes. The reason this black man from the city of St. Louis who is accused of rape is still walking free is because the police are white supremacists.
You’re unhinged.
It sure didn’t stop Bill Clinton.
She was raped.
Fucking Democrats.
Why assume she’s lying?
I’m a feminist. I believe in believing women about abuse.
You need psychological help.
You have the intellect of a flea.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
I’ll see it twice, then. And buy the DVD.
“Union has spoken out about her conflicting emotions regarding her role in the film”
Or in this case, two men who didn’t rape a woman.
Amber Rose isn’t known for being emotionally stable.
Right. Because nobody should be allowed to participate in something of which you won’t approve.
Your thesis is correct, but given how fucked up looking your face is, you probably shouldn’t be throwing these particular stones.
“the idea of inclusion as some tedious P.C. quota”
Johnson, most likely, but only because Clinton and Trump are terrible. I have no illusion that Johnson would be a good President, or that he will register any significant percentage of the vote.
Trump is terrible.