It’s like how Trump’s economy was great and everything was going well, but dammit we need this tax cut to really help our economy or it will struggle.
It’s like how Trump’s economy was great and everything was going well, but dammit we need this tax cut to really help our economy or it will struggle.
I mean, Trump blamed the shooting on the mainstream media and also accidentally lucked into the correct answer. Fox News is mainstream media, and their lies and white supremacist commentary have fueled hate in this country for far too long.
Yeah, it was like Clay Travis a couple weeks back saying that white privilege is the most absurd thing he has ever heard of and that he personally had not seen or experienced racism (other than of course all the times he points out people of color criticizing white people). And then we they get called out on it by…
So the whole point of this post was to make your final Splinter post about the serious issue of whether a man farted, wasn’t it?
And yes, this includes him concluding that Donald Trump is more attractive than Hilary Clinton. He at least gives the disclaimer that he’s not an expert on attractiveness. But damn, that take is wrong
Clay Travis today in his mailbag even made a strained argument that the more attractive candidate almost always wins a presidential election.
Are you that surprised though? The Russian bots and conservatives were likely going to pick a fringe candidate to pump up, and of course they go with a young, hot veteran.
Yeah, you can look at her own record, but her website is not just that one sentence. It’s a pretty detailed and laid out argument, of which Hildy merely pulled out one quote from.
Yeah, I just took a look at her website, and she takes a pretty nuanced view regarding Syria and the attacks. Her logic as I read it boils down to Trump attacked Syria prematurely before we knew whether Assad was actually behind the two attacks she references. She also notes that we got into a war with Iraq based on…
I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again, no child who got a participation trophy in some sport as a kid was like, “oh great, no need to compete or try to be the best I can be because I’m getting a little trophy.” We all knew what those trophies were and that there was a much bigger trophy and pride for the…
Misogyny is strong, but there’s also a factor of it being Hilary Clinton specifically. Fair or not (mostly not), conservatives hate the Clintons, so you have a double whammy of it being both a woman and a Clinton. Not saying the misogyny wouldn’t have been rampant for another female candidate, but I still believe…
Also, considering President Obama had to deal with people accusing him of not really being American, a Muslim (which my counter always was “why the hell does it matter if he’s actually a Muslim? Catholic priests systematically raped children and covered it up, but I’m not going to judge a politician for being…
Yeah, after the fourth episode of the final season I told my friend that they really should have let someone else takeover showrunner duties the final two seasons because they just didn’t care.
Yeah, the problems people have with the finale really stem not from the weaknesses of the episode itself but with the rushed nature of the rest of the season (final two seasons really). People were ticked that Bran became king, and I get that because the show did a horrible job of explaining his powers or show us any…
Also, Bran is king and most important people in Westeros would know he has mystical powers that allow at least for some foresight. Bran is as close to Sam as he can be to almost anyone outside of his siblings and Jon, so it’s not surprise he would pick Sam. I don’t think anyone is really going to challenge him on…
Dragonglass also kills wights, and it’s pretty clear that the dragonglass weapons were important. Sam discovered both that dragonglass killed White Walkers and where a bunch of dragonglass was conveniently located. Without the dragonglass weapons the army of the living would have been eradicated much more quickly.…
It’s not final season of Dexter/Lost bad, but the drop is pretty steep. But I think GoT was way better than both of those shows (particularly Dexter). I actually really liked the finale of GoT, but the thing to know is that the final two seasons they cut significantly down on time, which makes the whole thing feel…
This just shows you how messed up our criminal justice system is and how the criminal appeals process can be essentially useless for many convicts. How could this have possibly taken this long in a country with a supposedly justice-based legal system? Answer: it doesn’t take this long in an actual system built on…
I generally hate laugh tracks, and so it’s really hard for me to watch anything with a laugh track, and Seinfeld was a really bad offender in that regard. So even as a young kid whose Mom watched the show and loved it (I’m 29 now), I couldn’t get into it. I’ve seen probably a grand total of 8 episodes, mostly in…
Yeah, it’s a tough call, though I am not really sure the negatives of impeaching outweigh the negatives of not impeaching. But to me, the only way there is a chance for impeachment is if Donny gets connected to Epstein’s pedophile ring and Epstein has the receipts. Because the GOP isn’t going to send him packing…