
This is a nightmare for those who are worried about immigration. Jeff Sessions is extremely dangerous because he actually knows quite a lot about how the immigration system works, in minute details. He’s not a dumb man either. He knows exactly where to stick the knife.

And what is with the Stepford fucking hair?

Who’s paying for this, by the way?!?!?!?

Fingers crossed that each one these stops turns into a disaster when swarms of good people protest and give him a taste of why over 60 million did NOT vote for him.

These are the women whom think feminism is a dirty word. “Come into the light! Please before it is too late!”

That’s what I look like when the BBQ is almost done.

if i wasnt seeing it for myself, i’d never believe that anyone without access to his bank accounts could look at president evil like that...

You can bet your ass if the wife or daughter of any of these fuckwads investigating Dr. Hern needed an abortion, late term or otherwise, they’d have nine million excuses why it was okay for them, just not the rest of us.

Still, Loeb made the baffling case in a New York Times op-ed last spring that he’s been unable to have kids because two of his ex-girlfriends had abortions.

He got booted from his gravy train and he’s desperate to get back on.

Ugh this whole thing is such a pile of WTF. If this guy wants a kid so bad, why can’t he just adopt one? Or, if he’s so desperate for a biological one, get a surrogate and an egg donor! There is NO reason for him to be doing this other than to be an insufferable, controlling asshole.

I’m confused about all these new drugs. Why do people do them? They seem to turn people into cannibals or zombies—perhaps both because I’m not confident that dude eating the guy in the street in Florida on “bath salts” wasn’t a zombie.

I haven’t struggled with drug addiction, but a friend of mine came into a large amount of money, and then proceeded to party it all away in a couple of months time, doing way too many drugs. I didn’t see her during that time, and was absolutely shocked when I saw the result. She went from being literally the smartest

Here’s to you classy ladies of days gone by!

Are you trying to audition for The Walking Dead? Krokodil. Do you want to get naked and shank someone and use their intrails for a jump rope? Flakka.

I suffer from this and I never did flakka, my addiction was pain pills > heroin. Anyone else out there struggle with these issues in recovery? I am constantly “losing” words and can’t find what I want to say.

Maybe we’ll finally be able to get in a nice nap.

Also, having drank at a casino in the past, I know that seldom are you served by the same person more than twice, usually only once. There are loads of people wandering around there with drink trays, and several bars you can go up to as well. I have never been to this particular casino, but I have been to plenty of

Trump will appoint Don Jr., who will serve as SEC chair while simultaneously acting as CEO of Trump International. Trump International will end up being the most profitable corporation on Earth. Dems will scream about conflict. The Republicans will turn it into a screaming match about ISIS. Nothing will be done. Louis