
Damn, perfect timing on this story. I was just thinking about this today while going for a walk. My husband and I just got married a year ago, but he is 10 years older than me and waiting to have kids much longer would put him in "grandpa dad" territory which weirds me out. Everyone I know with kids says to wait, how

I got this one. When I was 18 and finally free of my parents strict rule, I went wild. I started going out to clubs most night drinking and became a groupie of our white sox affiliate team. One night my friend Johanna and I were in a nightclub in Birmingham, AL when in walked the hottest guy on the entire team Javier

I got my copper iud at 21 and had it taken out a year and a half later when my pain was so debilitating I couldn't walk...and no mine wasn't out of place at all. I loved it at first, wish it worked :( What they neglect to mention in the "free Iud" section is how much to get it taken out. It was $150 with good

Agree I hate junk food. I was just tired of the threats of hospitalization, lol.

Reading this, I could feel the pain of the author. I spent my youth in a battle against Anorexia. I'm very type A and have to be perfect. At age 8 I cut out all sweets and lost 10 pounds, people told me how great I looked. Again at 13, I went on crash diets and my pediatrician threatened to hospitalize me. My mom

Walmart did the same to me and I kept insisting my generic Bc was free under ACA. They still made me pay...

They even have "GRITS" shirts for purchase in local malls, although they sadly usually have either a rebel flag or camo/deers on them

Grits is also an acronym for girls raised in the south, which may be why it's so popular in multiple southern states. I'm wondering if they took the time to weed out such tweets or counted anything hashtagged grits. Also, now I feel like I lived in Alabama entirely too long by knowing that info.

I haven't had any kids yet, but my cousin had a rough pregnancy about 9 years ago. She had developed a UTI a few weeks before her due date and evidently she didn't take all the meds or they didn't work. The infection spread to her kidneys and she had her son on Thanksgiving day. A few hours later she died from some

I'm 23 and don't even wanna date men my age. That's why I married my 33 year old husband, more mature

Green. Dat white will get stained too easily.

What the fuck are you talking about? You are just making yourself look crazy. My husband is a 33 year old hispanic male born in Mazatalan, Sinaloa Mexico. That specific enough for you or do you just wanna call people racist for no reason?

My husband is from Mexico but he sure as hell doesn't consider his race to be white. He considers himself a brown person, a Mayan.

I'm white and used to exclusively date hispanic and Lebanese men. Guess I'm racist against myself. Lol

I know it's popular to hate on marriage because of the divorce rates. But I personally love being married. My husband and I can't stand to be apart. We even joke about how needy we are and hug eachother tight. I was pretty much bedridden due to diziness this summer and I told my husband he could go out on weekends

Yup. Forced to have sex by a guy I had been seeing for only a week. Afterward told me he hopes I have a son...not child...son. Then tried to fatten me up with Brazilian chocolates. Luckily I met my husband and love of my life 2 months later. He pulled me out of my depressed eating and made me whole again. Love my

My husband said "Are they naked? Stop stop! I don't wanna see that." lmao

I had a bad reaction to the 2nd of the 3 shots. I ended up feeling weak, faint, and like I had the flu. I got it when it wasn't flu season and I haven't ever gotten the flu since at least before age 10, so I know it was the vaccine that had to have done it

I can believe it might be gardasil. After getting the 2nd vaccine, I felt very weak, shaky, and like I had the flu. It was such a bad reaction I skipped getting the third one. I've never had the flu in my adult years so I know it was the vaccine

I agree. If she cared at all, she would have at least buried it somewhere and not thrown it in a dumpster like scraps off a dinner plate.