Hell, the whole point of “Team of Rivals” was that Lincoln picked rivals from within his own party.
Hell, the whole point of “Team of Rivals” was that Lincoln picked rivals from within his own party.
Tell that to the Republicans who split the Dakota Territory into two states in 1889.
It will always be easier for Republicans to obstruct, because they want less government. It’s easy to block funding for programs you don’t like or shut down the whole operation for a few days to make a point - especially if small government is literally your ideology. Democrats have a harder time doing these things…
We did vote for her. Too bad we have the world’s dumbest method for picking a president.
We don’t need his supporters to turn on him. We need the voters who don’t particularly like him, but still voted for him anyway, to turn against him.
Our best hope is that Trump is too dumb to be an effective fascist.
Bush was still riding the coattails of the rally-around-the-flag affect that boosted his popularity after 9/11.
There’s a little bit of truth to this. Most positions in the government are professional, not political, and it’s hard to fire government employees once they’ve been hired. Bureaucrats can, and sometimes do, try to grind the gears of government to a halt.
Eh, both are true to an extent. Some of the founders didn’t trust democracy enough to let the people elect presidents directly (they were particularly worried about a wealthy European coming over and winning over the people with vast wealth, thus ending American sovereignty). And, of course, the Southern states also…
It’s kind of funny to think back on how many people made this joke. I mean, obviously Cheney was a powerful VP, but Bush still did plenty of presidenting. But now Trump is poised to actually be the Bush that we always used to joke about. Congratulations, President Pence.
Probably. Or, at the very least, covered the difference on mortgages so that no one would be underwater.
I have no doubt. Our fractured system of municipal government means that everyone loves their tax giveaways. Makes you wonder if we’d just have been better off spending all that money on direct wage subsidies.
I didn’t know about this demonstration. Did it get any news coverage?
And he still got elected Governor. Apparently, the two kinds of candidates who can win in the Midwest are heavily populist Democrats or Republicans who don’t give a shit.
No doubt, the bailout saved the economies of numerous states. Which is why it was infuriating to see Republicans denounce it then, and even more so to watch them sing Trump’s praises now.
I heard people complain about “Government Motors” a lot, which is at least a little bit clever.
When Obama signed the auto bailout Republicans treated it like a Communist revolution.
History tells us that the party of the president tends to lose Congressional seats, so it always struck me as a little weird to blame Pelosi for losses in the House.
Trump said he wouldn’t touch the programs, and his fans believed him. Never occurred to them to ask what the rest of the GOP thought. It’s almost like Congress makes laws...
I think he’s just realized that Trump is too dumb and incompetent to overturn his entire legacy.