
There are some that are conceited about the organic food "tasting better" and being more refined, but there are others like me who know that organic food is good for you because they put less or no pesticides. I don't want poison in my body from what I eat regardless of how it tastes. We aren't all snobs, some of us

This is proof that people will belive complete strangers, if they seem to say what you want, and nothing about organic food. Organic food conserns have nothing to do with flavor, and everything to do with safety.

Oh I didn't. She is an ex-friend now.

Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio all poll majority Dem, too, you know... Austin is not ACTUALLY the only speck of blue in this red state.

I say that because he has reportedly said that, "There is no such thing as separation of church and state," even though that exact thing is explicitly stated in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is one of the principal tenets on which our democracy rests.

We try Kara, God knows we blue Texans try - but damn gerrymandering makes it nearly impossible, even if we have the numbers.

Ugh, there are few things as pathetic as a groveling dude. I know a guy who did a full-on publicly-viewable FB grovel and yikes, it was brutal. Lesson well learned: don't propose on your sixth date.

Or, you know, he's not that good at football.

That's the trouble with movies. You have to do a big, public romantic gesture in a movie, because the little things that make the biggest difference don't play well on the screen. When my husband getting up early when we're both hungover to run to the store so that when I wake up there's fried eggs and Gatorade

dear white people....

That's why my costume is "tired mom who ate all the Snickers."

Or rather, people are tired of being chastised by moral scolds. No one ever likes to be shamed for making a joke - and frankly the politics of offense and faux outrage are wearing thin for a lot of folks. Offensive, edgy costumes are awesome - and we're free to put them on, but god please don't be surprised when

I am merely pointing out that it must be much more contagious than they are telling us. I don't call that paranoid, I call that rational thinking.

Well sure, but for flu to be dangerous, your immune system has to be weakened, and/or you shouldn't have access to modern medical infra structure. If you are young, healthy, and in the first world catching the flu isn't dangerous, unless you happen upon some rare strain. Meanwhile, the same young, healthy person in

I have no idea who this person is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In his head, anyway!

Get over yourself Colin.

This picture I had someone take of me doing yoga in a pumpkin patch is so me!

Is this going to become a weekly thing? Because it is the greatest and I would like to hear more rulings from the Honorable Judge Kara Brown.

So as the top dog on the Shade court, does that make you Ruth Shader Ginsburg?