Balthasaar Zeinz

My favorite character moment in this ep was soon before the moment that you describe above: Amos sitting w/gun in lap pointed towards the airlock door. Arguing w/Holden about how to handle the boarders & Holden walks in front of Amos towards the airlock; with natural, casual discipline Amos bobs the barrel up so the

Keep in mind it was also Allison's biased perspective about Luisa's being curt with her.

Not sure what Allison's motivation is, but I see puzzle pieces together and have aprediction as to how this might go down: Allison attempted to have Quinn kill Carrie (not aware of thier close connection like Saul would be), then attempted to have Quinn killed immediately after. I think she wanted Carrie dead but did

Hate for this to be the way to break it to you, but your friend Tyrone has been replaced by a robot doppelganger.