Thing is, in Canada it isn't company-paid maternity leave. It's through employment insurance. We all pay into that. It is a very good thing. Why doesn't America have it? WHY?
Because history shows us that when we allow companies freedom to choose to do the right thing, they always come through, amirite?
“Agonizing” and “heartbreaking” are not terms I would use to describe my decision to end my pregnancy, “logical,” “reasonable,” “responsible”, etc., etc.
Not every woman who has an abortion finds their decision to be “agonizing and heartbreaking.” Plenty see it a standard, safe medical procedure and go right on with their lives. I didn't care for the pearl-clutching tone of this article.
“I feel you are here to make out with a bunch of dudes on TV,” Ian, a contestant on The Bachelorette this season, tol…
Nerd self-outing: The Federation is a communist utopia, so if we’re assigning them to our current spectrum in the US they’re all way to the left even of FDR. The Republicans are clearly Ferengi, from their extreme capitalism to their views on women.
HAHAHAHA you know what the funniest part of all this is? *puts on nerdhat*
Picard is an aristocrat.
All I hear is an angry man yelling a whole lot because the buffet line has brussel sprouts and he HATE brussel sprouts and how dare they offer brussel sprouts when he hates them so much that he doesn’t want his adult daughters to go anywhere near those brussel sprouts.
Interesting that you chose curing HIV as an example, since it wouldn’t have killed nearly as many people in the 90’s if stereotypes hadn’t reinforced the view of aids as rightly deserved gay/druggie punishment. Bias in science must be fought as its been shown time and time again to have grave consequences in the real…
Who said it’s “offensive”? When people point out that something is sexist, that’s an observation about how something plays into an existing power structure. It doesn’t mean that anyone is all in a huff with hurt fee-fees. Nobody is “butthurt,” here. If you can’t understand the difference between someone saying “hey,…
Shit. I hope that doesn’t mean I ought to give Heart of Darkness another chance.
“Nothing is more precious than life, especially an unborn child.” Wow, they’re getting less and less subtle about the fact that they think an adult woman’s life is less precious than the life of a fetus.
Yes, but in the interest of public health there are already limits on our bodily autonomy. If I have an abortion, that impacts no one but me. If I put in my will that I want my body to be thrown in the SF bay for the sea lions, or scarecrowed in my front lawn as a warning to my enemies, or left on the sidewalk, now we…
No when men come onto an article about women’s issues to derail it by complaining that men have problems too without every really backing it up with evidence or actually wanting to talk about solutions for this issues they get responded to in that way. It’s the same when commenters go to articles about police violence…
And here’s the thing, those same white feminists are the ones that will deride the crazy MRAs that come around and say that men have problems too, by saying the problems aren’t nearly the same, men have no right to complain until things are more equal, male tears and all that.
This girl sounds incredibly bad ass, and so does her mother. And fuck the fucking misogynistic media.
I get that “Grumpy Cat” got the headline because GRUMPY CAT, but OMG, I lol’d at “salty biscuit”. Bwahahahahaha
There are people who saw Iron Man and didn't say "HOLY CRAP, Agent Casper is in this?"