
Which is why I pointed out no sizing system works for all women - but I think you are missing my larger point. With straight sizes there is a basic assumption about body type that will be at least close for a lot of women. Once you hit a certain size, that assumption about a basic body shape (that is used in straight

Sigh. No, you can't just size up clothes. The reality is for a certain range of sizes, the proportions aren't going to be particularly extreme. That does not mean that the clothes will fit everyone. (If you are a very athletic woman for example, nothing fits right - the proportions aren't meant for you because that's

fat women aren't allowed to feel comfortable in their bodies.

oh my god. My mom just went shopping recently at LB and their ilk and returned with clothes that look like they had been bedazzled. Fucking really? (I find that maybe 5% of their stuff is decent, in a casual but not a t-shirt range. And don't get me started on their fucking pants.)

no, people just became more paranoid.

In some states, doctors who provide over a certain number of abortions (if they are permitted to perform them in the first place, depending on their potential affiliations) are then called abortion providers.

What the...I don't understand the logic of not permitting a DNC after a miscarriage. Do they expect the fetus to resurrect itself as the second coming of Christ?

I think it's important for all adults to be aware of what goes on around them - we all have a responsibility to keep our communities safe. So if there are unsupervised kids around, damn right I'm going to pay attention - because it's the right thing to do. That doesn't mean calling the cops - a seven year old is

even non-religious arbitration is fucked. It's so heavily tilted in favor of the corporation (guess who pays the arbitration company) that it's very rare for a consumer to win.

Pffft. Because obviously you know exactly what it's like to be a woman who is a geek.

You're great at twisting words around. At no point did I suggest that all minimum wage earners have lots of children.

Sure, it sucks to get an employee's two-week notice, but it normally doesn't happen, unless there's a good reason.

What constitutes a living wage is relative to the individual worker.

What would really suck is to hire someone and then have her leave you in the lurch because she's going to have kids. Fuck!

Okay so a woman engages in an action that is known to cause pregnancy she becomes pregnant then she purposefully kills the child growing inside of her and to you that's not a person avoiding the consequences of their actions?

So fetuses have value unless their mother says so hmmm that's quite a bit of power to give to a person don't ya think?

That means abortion is being used to protect women from dealing with the consequences of their deliberate actions. Abortion is being used as birth control that's what you and the feminists here are arguing for, so stop ignoring the "pink elephant" in the room and denying your own stance.

If a fetus is nothing than a "blob of cells" killing one against a woman's will is akin to cutting her hair against her will—wrong, but not punishable by law with a decade or more of jail time.

A fetus doesn't have body autonomy. A woman does. So a third party attempting to force an abortion against her will is a violation of that body autonomy.

Abortion is not birth control but it is being used as birth control that's the problem with abortion.