
I know, right?

I may be even happier for him to star in an off-year movie than a numbered episode. Actually make him the protagonist, that would shake up the SW universe.

All new media is canon as long as they don’t say otherwise I think.

Thrawn is to Star Wars what Scorpius was to Farscape, a great villain who makes everything he’s in better.


I’d argue that, no matter how powerful you are, taking a bowcaster bolt to the midsection is going to severely limit your combat capabilities. Using the Force requires concentration, and the constant pain is distracting. On top of that, you can see how much his fighting style relies on twisting, spinning, and

he opened his mouth SAID “AVENGERS” and the movie immediately cut to the credits.

There’s dialogue in there that I can see on a t-shirt,

I also hope they keep “fully operational Battle Jedi Luke” grounded like Darth Vader and the original Obi Wan were, not those cable-jumping, CGI-heavy superhero-wizards from the prequels...

I want to see a “Fully Operational Battle Jedi Luke” soooo bad. I hope they don’t pull any of that “more powerful than you can possibly imagine” bullshit in SW8.

That really would have been a pretty huge mistake for the movie to me. A lot of the movie builds up to Rey growing stronger as a character and a force user, and to have the climatic showdown with Ren stolen from her would have been a pretty big “eff you” to her.

Best analogy I’ve heard: saying “All Lives Matter” is like going to a doctor with a broken arm and being told “All Bones Matter” and sent home without being treated.

Great article Luke! I would include the average playtime in the opening section of future reviews.

Man, Ex Machina should have gotten way more love in the mainstream. Oscar Isaac deserved to be nominated for All Of The Things. His delivery of the line "fucking unreal" alone was award worthy. Not to mention he is the only person I have ever seen disco dance in a way that is still vaguely menacing.

I did “they also destroy a large geographic area and kill untold numbers of civilians” was what he posted in the article, and that is what I refuted.

je nais se? What’s that supposed to be, Dothraki French? Do you even read this stuff before you hit post?

Pretty sure that most level III plate inserts are ceramic, not steel.

I chose the .257 because it is in the "quarter inch" family of bullets, and this one in particular, the Weatherby .257 Magnum has the highest velocity of any comparable quarter inch bullet. Higher velocity means a flatter trajectory and also more energy in to the target.

It's also University grade so well........not that dangerous. Lead lined gloves and a lead box are more than enough to keep you from radiation poisoning.