Baloubet du Rouet

Or he’s a stupid AND pedophile AND she’s crazy. Why not all three?

I have that feeling about Gwyneth Paltrow, so I won’t judge.

Yeah to a certain extent. Not forever and in all circumstances but Mia's a fucking phsycho who manipulated her adopted children so yeah, I'll make some cautious exceptions.

Cool. I get it. I could argue the same. I'm not defending him in particular but I've got some fucked up shit in my family where an unstable sociopath is scapegoating an innocent family member so I've seen a potential scenario wherein a frameable person is ruined. It happens. I don't think this includes Cosby or

She may be a ‘nut,’ but Allen’s therapist and a judge agreed with her that things were not ok and he has had no visitation from that day to this (I know they are all adults now). His child who the molestation charges concerned still says that it happened and neither of his children with her will have anything to do

I know. All the signals are there. But if you’re a pedophile do you make movies about it and then molest your adopted daughter. I’m not saying it’s impossible but I think woody is nothing if not self aware. Either he's stupid and Mia's a victim or he's a douche and she's conniving.

Agreed on her being a nut. Honestly, I don’t know what happened but I always try to err on the side of caution when it comes to molestation accusations. It doesn’t help that he has made movies where he dates underage girls and married a girl when he was supposed to be a father figure to her.

Mia Farrow is bat shit crazy and she is capable of brainwashing her adopted herd and I am generally on the side of fuck those rapists and abusers with little evidence but not here sorry. Woody is a freak but not a pedophile/rapist.

Same here. And to be honest, I still wrestle with the fact that Annie Hall is one of my all time favorite movies, but I don’t try to justify loving that movie by saying “Well, I don’t know the people who made these allegations about him so I guess I can’t judge!” I just acknowledge that fact that horrible people can

It’s hard to explain but it’s kind of an affectation. She loves being shocking and in our crowd being a conservative is practically the only way she can shake us up. She’s not racist and she’s the most generous, charitable person I ever met. It’s a complicated relationship, one that survives in spite of practically as

Thank you.

I have had that feeling in the past. So often that this feeling is unfamiliar.

What do you use? I would really love to hear some options, because I know it isn’t a long time that I’ll be uninsured, but I’m moving and starting an internship in that time and I’m scared that being off my meds will make it harder to do things right.


I would like to second the request for Xanax, although I’m not going to have health insurance this summer, so God only knows where I’ll get my Lexapro until I’m back in school.

This. The quality of the poop tells me a lot about how healthy I feel overall.

Add 5000 iu of d3 and you'll be unstoppable !

See, yogurt makes everything in me work, and when I don't eat it, I notice issues. Probiotics just make me feel worse. Plus. I loooove yogurt!

Thank you for this. I didn’t know that 5-htp could help with migraines until I googled what it was after reading your comment and now I am going to try that.

I remember my BFF calling me after the convention and saying “Well, I guess it’s all over for you but the crying. McCain picked THE COOLEST WOMAN as a running mate”. My reply “Wait, that wasn’t Tina Fey?”