Baloo Uriza

No judgement here, but you do seem to realize that you’re quite unusual in your desire to be indoors all the time. That alone should probably be enough to show that your personal experiences are unlikely to explain other peoples’ bicycling habits, without needing to assume that those people are insane.

I simply cannot imagine spending more than about $2000 on a car. Unless you’re running the NASCAR, that’s absolutely insane. It’s a children’s toy. It’s like spending thousands of dollars on legos.

If performance is what you’re after, you shouldn’t be buying a mainstream 3-row crossover.

“Hey Steve? We need to talk. As you know, conpany policy restricts non-work materials on desks to one small picture frame and one coffee cup. Now, we’re willing to let the box of tissues slide, but the jug of hand lotion needs to go.”

it seems like the people in the article identify themselves strongly through this hobby as if it’s their entire identity.

If you have to ask, you’re already there.

Totally accurate

Cool guys don’t look back at explosions, after all.

Heh, they’re most likely asking to see if they have a neckflap flipped up or if their fur’s not brushed out someplace. But that response is also good!

Found the furry fandom the same summer I worked at a Scout camp, just before starting my freshman year of high school. And I was already majorly into Scouting. So that school year my book covers and notebooks had a lot of Scout characters and various friend’s fursonas drawn all over them. And anytime it was colder

I keep wondering what the parameters of level 6 are, but no dice

Most Furry conventions have an amazing Party Floor. Just saying.

That’s the high end stuff. Most of it is the toony ‘mascot’ style you see in the top image. Mainly because it’s easy, but also because it is cheap. The $1000 listed? That’s the lower end of the spectrum. It is not a cheap hobby.

The furry community¹ has a sexual side to it, yes. No one denies this (nor should they). But there are different facets to the community as a whole that the sexual side shouldn’t be seen as its most important.

There was also the intro of Portal 2, where you are prompted to speak... but using the jump command.. yeah.