I, Tonya is what won me over. It’s unlikely you haven’t seen it, but just in case, it’s so worth it!
I, Tonya is what won me over. It’s unlikely you haven’t seen it, but just in case, it’s so worth it!
But I was told if you ‘went woke’ you’d ‘go broke’... you mean that wasn’t true?
The Daniel Radcliff Path, which is also fun, because in The Young Doctor’s Note Book, Radcliff plays a younger version of Jon Hamm.
Confess, Fletch was SO good! Five stars.
In case you missed it (and most people did miss it), check out Confess, Fletch. Hamm is as good in the role as Chase was and the movie fits in really well with the resurgence of whodunnits.
Also, I’ll be going out of my way to check this movie out.
Doing stage shows is hugely fucking expensive. People like popular shows that have succeeded in the past, big names, or popular brands. Producers of stage shows like making money. Wallace Beery, wrestling picture... what do you need, a roadmap?
It’s super weird that there’s another push to adapt Narnia; most of the books aren’t very good, you’d have to strip all the allegorical stuff out for wide consumption, and most importantly, they haven’t been popular kids’ books in 30 years or more. If Disney couldn’t make a go of it 15 years ago, I don’t know why…
Well they must have been, seeing as they left no crumbs.
this movie would firmly establish that ghosts were real in the world of Indiana Jones
“Bird Box Barcelona” sounds like a fusion hot wing place.
Don’t know if they magic him up somewhere in this film, but it’s Denholm Elliot I miss the most from these films. He was kind of Indie’s handler but also way out of his league but did it with quiet charm and sincerity. Definitely my fav Indie character.
Unexplained grief: Mutt moved in with Indy and is waiting for him to ride bikes when he gets home.
Unexplained grief: Mutt was struck and killed by a cement truck.
I am so freaking excited for there to finally be a new season.
I’ve been a Williams fan since I was a kid watching “Lost in Space” when he went by Johnny Williams. I knew his name before any pop band or musician and actually grew up on his music on television and film and used to regularly haunt the soundtrack section of Camelot Music looking for his records in the seventies (the…
Troll says what?