
When they get home the snake is hanging on the back of the car.

Me, several times while watching The Magicians: oh no, Mr Sheffield!

James Marsden appeared in the pilot episode, as a delivery guy who gave Maggie her first kiss (which got Fran in trouble and almost cost her the nanny gig). It was one of his first Hollywood gigs (maybe the very first).

The Nanny might not be streaming quite yet, but a channel called COZI — oriented toward near-past nostalgia programming and commonly found amid the over-the-air digital-TV “decimal” channels — has been airing two different blocks of it a day, one late in prime time and the other in the wee smalls in my time zone.

Also twist:  “I’m brilliant in one field, therefore brilliant in another after a quick bit of browsing data”  

Classic example of “I’m rich because I’m smart, and I’m smart because I’m rich” phenomenon. 

As much as I loved Tiger King, I was really conflicted about some of the Carole stuff it showed. Not because I don’t think she could be a horrible conperson like the rest of them, but there the presentation felt most manipulative, if that makes sense.

That’s not Mars! That’s Utah!*

Or, as told by a former friend of mine, a server may sneak away with a wholly untouched meal that you left on the table and just scarf it down like a goblin while hiding from management.

The original Doctor Venture(Rusty’s dad) is very much modeled after Doc Savage  

They just stand there and move a bit. Not that interesting! If zombies started boxing, I would let you know! 

Have you heard of Reader’s Digest? You should try submitting your jokes and japes over there, you old so-and-so.

I know how humor works, though, and that wasn’t it.

Bro, it’s February. Take a Xanax.

He must have saved himself by hiding in a nearby fridge.

Reading these articles can be hazardous to one’s health, apparently!

Hmm. I just found out Jan Hooks died by reading this article. Not sure how I missed that.

This person doesn’t like Pee Wee. I say we kill him! (YEAH!)

Probs cuz her name is Imogen Poots.

I’d buy that for a dollar