
I can’t wait for this show to come back. 

It’s by no definition a hit, though.

Well. By that definition, Cats....

AKA The Stranger Things of Hill House.

Yeah, I’m ribbing a multi-billion-dollar publisher for being misleading in its PR. If you don’t like that, there are plenty of more PR-friendly reporters and websites out there to follow!

I like to think that one of the cool things about Kotaku is that you can come here for more information than you’ll get from a publisher’s press release. This is a good example of that. It’s not necessarily controversial or explosive info — it’s just context that you won’t find anywhere else.

Oh! And I forgot about Claire Danes! She was perfectly tragic (in a good way)!

In the UK, etc, the novel is divided into two books, Little Women and Good Wives. You can get them sold together (as Little Women & Good Wives), but a lot of editions, especially for kids, are just the childhood parts.

I only caught the turkey segment but it was definitely fun. The Pilgrim’s great hall being built on the scraped-off top of a native pyramid was an old-school Simpson’s touch.

This grade might be a tad too harsh. I think I’d A- for this one. That was the most fun I’ve had watching a Simpsons episode in a long time. They’ve had a ton of blandness lately so I gotta reward them for when they bring it. Every one to the stories was well done and packed plenty of jokes. It actually felt like the

I don’t think the writers here don’t like it. It’s just...weird?

I also vibrate like crazy with mechanical stimulus

I love this whole exchange.

I’m not sure I’d buy his career for a dollar at this point.

The first picture immediately made me think of this:

We could be in the deepest economic depression in history and, as long as Trump tweets out that the US economy is doing the best ever, a good 45% of Americans would believe it. And, Fox News will parrot that that talking point and evidence to the otherwise is just liberal fake news trying to make Trump look bad. 

Ditto.  I was pretty sure with the crew and cast on board that they wouldn’t release anything mediocre or worse, but I’ve been let down before.  My weekend just got 3138% better.