Love the art, love the music more
Love the art, love the music more
If this passes my sister will run out ANY lifetime limit historically used in less than a year. She will never qualify for coverage.
In preparation for the upcoming remastered version of StarCraft: Brood War, which is scheduled for this summer,…
I completely agree lol, but if you’re expecting to find rational people then you came to the wrong place. I’m just here to read how jubilated people are at someone losing their job because they don’t have the same beliefs as them.
Activism needs boots on the ground not hashtags and fb profile pictures. Hastags are fine but if that is all you got you insult everyone who really did something for civil rights.
Man, I’m a year and a half behind already, and mostly just using my GTX 1080 for Rimworld, Overwatch and Rocket League. Also contemplating a HMD...
So much backlog to go through I don’t even mind @_@
This is a crazy one, here. I’m not a fan of the painting, myself, but I do think the artist has the right to paint whatever he or she wants. This is a tough one to judge, tho, for sure.....
One quick correction. In the sixth paragraph you refer to the ninja as “Axl Low.” That’s a different character. The ninja is called Chipp Zanuff.
So true. I’m in love with the Valkyrie, but for her combat style, not her physical appearance. She still looks absolutely badass, but whereas games like Final Fantasy will choose to have a spear-lady wearing next to nothing and aim the design at 14 year old boys, For Honor has made Valkyries look absolutely…
LoL gives out rewards like skins for reaching the better brackets, here are this year’s for the highest bracket:
Lol, create and gear out an alt named “Krampus” to just pod him.
I’d have podded his ass, but this works too.
I came here to make sure Socom and Champions of Norrath was on here. Then I got mad about FFXII. FFXII...really? GTFO. Just GTFO.
No, and Valve would fight the subpoena pretty viciously because the last thing they want is to set a precedent that they will cooperate in these frivolous lawsuits. They don’t want to have to waste company time and resources responding to third-party subpoenas on a regular basis.
Everyone’s missing the forest for the trees, this is bigger picture. Sony’s basically saying “no mods unless it’s our terms” while MS is saying “eh, have at it”... this isn’t FO4 and Skyrim we’re talking about, this is console mod future. I don’t understand how no one is picking up on this fact.
If you wanted to get through it as efficiently as possible, you should play as WAR to get that sweet sweet tank DP!
As a paladin main, i’m guilty of being that guy who barges through FFXIV’s dungeons as efficiently as possible.