
It's the phone manufacturers.

I agree with what you are saying, but I didn't get the feeling that Sam thought Apple should just go all-Windows8.

As a developer: I want Nitro support in UIWebView's.

IT's weird, but that *is* the new start menu.

I'm not exactly sure what in reference you are talking to. Maybe the whole patent disputes for mobile phones?

OS X Mountain Lion is going to have "Share Sheets" which is similar, but not as integrated as Share Contracts.

I get your sentiment, but I disagree.

Good artists copy; great ones steal.

just wait till you get to see WP8 in action :)

You're thinking of the "Desktop" which is still there, and lets you do your normal day-to-day office stuff.

1) You don't know shit about me or what I do.

with lower pay, you pretty much guarantee that they won't be able to improve airport security.

Unfortunately your example is too simplistic.

Which does *BEHAVIORAL* profiling, which I agreed to.

You mean, behavioral profiling, which is expensive, and taxpayers don't want to foot the bill. So we're stuck with random screening.

It is random. I'm way more Al Derka looking than you (and I'm definitely darker), and I fly often enough, that my screening is hit and miss.

Given your comment about "UN-PC" ness of profilling, I'll assume you mean to profile based on whether someone looks like that might be a terrorist.

Are you arguing that the people who are incharge of Airport security should be paid less?

It's not so much Pot and Kettle. It's rather, psychological warfare was practiced on both sides.