
Espionage is nothing new. During the cold war, russia was able to steal plenty of US military secrets.

Further, any co-founder who puts up capital, and expects to not work their ass off, is not a co-founder. They are an investor.

Is Saverin the *only* person funding companies?

I'm not sure I follow your comment.

All the money? It was his life savings: $30k.

We're saying the same thing. The statement about US law was just in case you were from another country. Giz has an international following, and so it's bad form to just assume the laws here in the states would apply to all commentators.

His initial ownership was ~34%.

You're only focusing on total percentages.

There are plenty of sources of funding. If $30k was all it took to get Facebook off the ground, it wouldn't have been too difficult for Mark Zuckerberg to secure that money.

He wasn't major capital. He provided seed funding initial funding ($30k).

"that would make Saverin's stake near-worthless"

He can take the highroad here. He's made out pretty well from Facebook, and apparently a few of the companies he's funded are doing well.

To get chicks, sure. But nerd helps with money (important) and muscles helps fend off the other muscley dick heads :)

When someone else does the hardwork to figure it out, so that they can plagiarizer it.

As a single image, that is surely impressive. Even as a set of multiple exposures combined via pp, it's still very creative.

solution: be a nerd, have muscles, and be a huge dick to your girlfriend.

And I think this is how Apple showed their brilliance.

> Like why buy Motorola if you're not going to use them for hardware?

Hey, you guys get access to bad ass cars, we get electronics. Give us the Audi RS3 and we'll give you the Kindle Fire :)

Not quite. Possessing goods that you know are stolen is a crime in the US.