
Windows is just Windows.

lol @ Hammacher Schlemmer. Makers of overpriced shiz that no one wants.

I'm with ya man.

Fourth: It's a beagle.

Don't you have to show that the images you used are part of Google Maps? Like have to show the google Logo?

Excellent response, especially the counter example to privacy on the cell phone while in the bathroom.

That's not true. Privacy is based on "reasonable" expectation of privacy. For example, if you are in your house, but your blinds are open and people from the street can see you, you cannot reasonably expect privacy from passers by walking on the street. You can however, expect privacy that a person can't setup a

May 4th? The full lengthies said April 26th...

Or you could not create a terrible crime. If the US Gubment thinks you're a threat to national securitah they can tap your phones and do way worse shit.

Uh no, this isn't really twitters problem. I'm sure Robert Bowling has had his fair share of personal attacks here on Kotaku comments, and many other forums, including Infiniti Wards own.

Why is it ridiculous? If an employer doesn't like what you post on facebook or twitter, they can terminate your employment (assuming you are at will).

Why is it ridiculous? If an employer doesn't like what you post on facebook or twitter, they can terminate your employment (assuming you are at will).

I would bet my android friends are way more tired of having non-existent battery life.

I don't think it's "Nikon vs Canon." It's Nikon D800 has the best sensor according to their bench mark. Myself, I'm a Canon guy, and every so often I get a little jealous of Nikon shooters, but then I remind myself its about the photos, and being a gear-head is bad for the pocket book.

Anything about mixing Vodka+Redbull? No. Oh well. Who wants to live forever.

Funny how Canon sort of shot themselves in the foot by adding video to their DSLR.

not if I'm standing in the dark ;P

The A77 is a APS-C camera. The Canon 5D Mark III is a full frame camera.

Sure fire way to make your knife not sharp.