
Go away anytime soon? Probably not. But it is dying. Did you checkout that Kotaku article about Draw Something? The game is pulling in $250k per day.


(Haha Error :P)

So you're not agreeing with NarooN. Vista had it's problems out of the gate. After service patches and IHV's got their act's together, Vista was pretty good. Windows7 improved on this. That is my point. Deep down, Vista's guts and Win7 guts are very similar. You and (NarooN) may have had problematic experiences, but


Been using Windows8 as my main work machine. Didn't take me too long to make the switch. Vista was bad because it had shitty hardware support out of the box, and made a number of choices (such as optimizing for specific network QoS) that weren't fully thought out. Once that was fixed, Vista was a rocking OS. A dirty

Are women allowed to be in combat roles in the front line? I may be out of touch, but I thought not.

I thought JD missed a decimal point, but I've seen other sources cite the same figure. That is INSANE.

Apple has 100 billion in cash?

if only we weren't forced to pay.

It's gotta right? Since that memory is shared with the gfx chip? Without it, how could you manage such high res textures???

I'm not sure what to make of this article. It was 1/2 an attempt to talk with Phil Fish to get more clarity, but 1/2 and attempt to explore what has happened to modern japenese games, to 1/2 (i know...) defending japanese games.

i think the point isn't to eliminate exercise, it's to help the millions of people who are on the weight loss rollercoaster.

Wow, so glad she is going to recover, but what the hell MOM AND DAD?? Bucky Balls come with a warning that explicitly says keep this away from young children.

Works like a champ on my 2011 Macbook Pro. I recommend installing the Bootcamp tools if they're available.

K-cups can't be recycled in a recycling center. They get recycled by the manufacturer.

FUCK ME. I just bought one like 2 weeks ago.

Our K-cups are recycled...

My guess, Apple settles out of court on this. It's not worth the hassle to them. It would be awesome if apple moved it's entire manufacturing out of china because of this, but thats never going to happen.

If a thief or anyone else has physical access to your machine, stored passwords or other, it's game over.