
RIP and condolences to his family, friends and coworkers. 32 is such a young age.

actually TRIM isn't important at all. Most new SSD drives use modern controllers that have built in garbage collection, making the need for TRIM support unnecessary.

its even more awesome when you have an annoying large itunes collection, and itunes takes 2-3s to start!

Price isn't the right consideration here. The *only* reason to consider getting one of these is that you can *only* have one HDD, and you need more than 100GB of storage, and can't make use of external storage drives.

Unless any readers are having serious performance problems with their SSD's I would suggest ignoring this article and not bother with TRIM. Instead I would optimize your system to avoid writing/caching to disk (hopefully you replaced your stuperdrive with a 2nd HDD), using the HDD to store temp files, etc.


You're arguing with a strawman. I simply said that Gameblog didn't have a compelling reason not to pull the story and negotiate a better one. Journalistic integrity does not apply in this situation.

I don't think you understand what journalism actually is. Just because you have a story doesn't mean you report it, consequences be damned. Journalists can use self-censorship. It was fine that they reported the story. It was not fine that they didn't take it down when asked by Activision. This sort of back-room

Pretty short sided of that They were asked to take a story down, what reason did they have not to?

Damn. I have Airport Dual Band N, and an Airport Express. The express is 2 feet from the AppleTV. At least it's good to know that it's me, and not a $99 waste of product.

Why would the internet connection matter? AppleTV and Airplay are all local network.

Tell me about it. My Airport Express is like 2 feet away from my apple tv and everything is terribad.

Have you guys tried airplay? IT SUCKS. Shit is so slow and choppy.

That's just splitting hairs about a definition. It seems like you're implying that there can be a definition of gamer that only includes people who can name the designer of those games. To me, that's not a very good definition of a gamer, because that knowledge isn't required to play a game.

This is a bio piece, not an opinion. There isn't anything to disagree with. I was referring to any commenters who would be stupid enough to make a comment about Dani Bunten's personal choice would likely be banned, and well, good riddance :D

Why not? Any who are will be banned. Think of it as thinning the herd. Kind of like freshman level calculus class.

The reason why most of us outside the industries know any big name game producers is because of Kotaku (or similar site)'s coverage of the industry, or because game designers who's name is attached to a game "Sid Meiers yadda yadda yadda." Can most gamers today name the designer of Pong, or Pacman, etc?

you may. and thanks.

I can't tell if you're serious or not. Instagram is an app for iOS based around sharing photos. It has the ability to quickly apply filters and frames to an image, as well as post to twitter and facebook, as well as it's own social capabilities (following people etc). People seem to irrationally hate it.

I'm a pretty decent photographer, and I <3 instagram. Mostly because it's super easy to use, and super easy to share with my friends. I won't be trading in my $TEXAS worth of gear anytime soon, but for my needs, instagram is great.