
Facebook is also the king of the internet. One of out ever three page renders is facebook.

Haha. You know Dave Cutler was one of the original guys behind VMS.

Yes I really am sorry. I wish they would fix this blasted commenting system!

I don't think that means he sucks. I think that means he's further away from the code base and has to get back up to speed.

Omg, so sorry. Comments are busted again!

Okay we get you don't like "gamification" but you're job title "blogger."

Okay we get you don't like "gamification" but you're job title "blogger."

Okay we get you don't like "gamification" but you're job title "blogger."

Okay we get you don't like "gamification" but you're job title "blogger."

There is no way this can backfire...

#Corrections: You mean Linka, the russian broad. Wheeler was the stereotypical american asshat.

How does this effect friends who have my information as a contact?

Sounds like you could use a refresher on etiquette and manners. I think what this kid needs is to continue to grow up. I'm pretty certain most 15 year old's are punks up until they hit 27.

Sounds like you could use a refresher on etiquette and manners. I think what this kid needs is to continue to grow up. I'm pretty certain most 15 year old's are punks up until they hit 27.

It did leak. It was on pirate bay several hours before the global launch. That said, thats not nearly as bad as leaks that happen several weeks/months before the actual release. I got the album, and...I'm not a fan, yet.

Or you could just use black electrical tape.

Or you could just use black electrical tape.

I disagree. I've heard it's not a good idea to announce a pregnancy before a certain time, but after that people (who are likely to be on your facebook wall) will know you're pregnant. Also there are a lot of women who post about their pregnancies on facebook, seems a natural fit. I'm sure most people will disagree

Haters gonna hate.

I'm skeptical of Apple of releasing an iPad with resolution of 2048x1536. Along with the arguments about panel cost, there is an issue with building software. The size of textures required would be ridiculous, not to mention the graphics memory required to handle such large textures. Going from 640x320 to 960x640 was