
Depends on how the game was implemented, given it started as an XBLA title. PC has 3 billion install base compared to the Mac's 55 million install base. If it's a quick-port to the mac, then it might make sense, but if it's a major rewrite, then it's fine to ignore it (I own both platforms fwiw).


If you read the article, it's 31% of Americans under the age of 30 that know that 1776 is the year we (the US) declared our independence from Kingdom of Great Britain.

Face it. Most consumer electronic companies don't have it in their DNA to build high-quality products out the gate. Sony has it, once they get their collective heads out of their asses, but HP, Dell, etc, are more about shovelware, and less about putting out a single rock-solid product. As a mobile app developer

100% agreed. Maybe they'll integrate the shock-collar thing into their gps watches. That would be awesome.

he said chode.

Stay classy Giz. Stay classy.

Monoprice did it.

I smell another flop.

Thanks giz for putting this together, and for some stupid reason I trust you. Please don't abuse that trust.

Thank you for not posting an image from that shiddy movie.

The sourced blog hardly seems credible at all. Are they a source that Giz usually goes to for information? "A little birdie?"

Okay the update makes more sense. No way MSFT would invite that kind of attention: "Hack us, and we'll give you a job"

Also we're familiar with Sodium and Potassium since they're electrolytes, and thats what your body craves.

Hell's yeah. Mr Kennedy and High School Chemistry for the mutha fuckin win.

My emotional side gets upset, but rationally, why not try to monetize Multiplayer? In the end, pay for it if you think it's a good value, skip it if you don't. Sure, it *use* to be free, but that's life. If you want someone to blame, blame ourselves for playing hours upon hours of COD multiplayer.



They'd better, otherwise, come iphone+LTE, they'll see mass exodus to Verizon.

Is there a link to the original article?