balls187 upside yo head


Hrm...put spoilers after the jump, please fahey!


Thomas Kemper = best on the planet.

Oooh, all this talk about accelerated penetration...

I don't think it's a shop, in sense of someone compositing two images.

@Sam Smith: Like when you have some retard setup a deathmatch game with like 30 tickets...

@TuxBobble: Really? I LOVE online so much. I suck, but if I'm in a fair match, with a bunch of other people that suck, it's quite fun.

Hell's no. I suck.

MGO is fuggen sweet!

@schwnj: Thats 150k gross income (before taxes). After taxes, thats closer to 100k Take off another 28% (from the gross amount) and that's now about 50k per year.

@yagisencho: Question is: would you be better off investing the difference over the lifetime of the loan, vs the interest on the mortgage you'd be saving by paying it off early.

11.6363636363% for me.

@moonablaze: Having a degree means nothing...

Hrm, I'm guessing the iphone isn't as powerful as the dreamcast.

Thats what you get for leaving MGS.

The basics are okay, but it seems like between the $53 a year and $100 a year, the extra $47 seems worth it for

never cried because of a game.