There better be a pre/during/post PAX party, or there will be hell to pay.
There better be a pre/during/post PAX party, or there will be hell to pay.
@Camann: It's not a literal comparison.
Wait, does this mean this will play backups?
I really hope he's not disbarred.
@SS Ymer: That's not true.
Nah, working for the Japanese isn't scary. Swedes are just pussies.
@cdammers: True, but the 360 branded one has the 360 buttons, making some features a wee bit easier. I believe the 550 and the 360 vs are the same remote, at the same price.
@fall: Thank you.
Witzbold Crecente Ashcraft
Horrible AI Teammates?
How many of those were Dawsons Creek dvds?
@jsf49: You're kidding right?
@Dorphat the Insomniac: I had that taped to my monitor while writing data cleaning regexes;DROP TABLES;
@wordfalling: The SR MBP's still get pretty hot.
@Evil J: There is quite a difference between locking up someone for ever, and putting them to death.
@Evil J: Who determines who can and can't be fixed?
@Nexus6: Hey, mom's not a dyke!
going to hell in 3...2...1...
@Weirdwolf: Additionally there are some pretty hefty barriers for developing comercial software for linux.