balloondoggle hates the new layout

Tip: Don't try to catch the damn thing. Saw someone cut themselves on a sharp edge once.

@Scott Walther: Consider it good-natured ribbing in response to SAfiftyseven's trolling attempt. I'm not a fan boy either way and chose the phone I did because I'm not willing to spend $300 where I can spend $200 for the equivalent product. To each their own; it's competition that makes the capital go 'round.

@VanHammersley: My sincere condolences. We've been close to that several times and will be again. Ditch the guilt and appreciate the lives that remain for you and your family. Remember her in all that you do and she will be right there having fun with you.

@Saradali Ray: my kids just got a GB color and an Advance SP for Christmas. They are young enough not to care that they aren't the latest and greatest while I can get games for $5-$8. Win/win!

Sounds like he should be a Mentcle PAtient.

@silkworm: They would have been stymied by the automatic doors.

@USB_Humping_Dog: Thanks for chiming in Gimli. How are things at Erebor?

@Lord_Data ∞: No. Until this latest update, I had no real motivation to root so it's basically stock. I am now considering unrEVOked just to delete the stupid game demo Sprint dumped on us.

@SAfiftyseven: There's a lot of things iPhones don't do that 'droid does. :)

@Withidread: All of them, plus the military cargo birds.

@Scott Walther: Nice of you. Too bad we won't be able to switch out your batteries while we sit on the ramp for 6 hours though. ;)

@Lord_Data ∞: All other radio dependent tasks go down; phone, data, weather updates etc. But text gets through for some reason.

@wagnerrp: Nope. It was a big plastic arrow with an LED encased near the point. You were supposed to guide it around the door seal while the oven was on to look for radiation leaks.

@That Guy...: There really is only one way to take that, isn't there?

@QLAB: But if they are taught early enough to respect the rules, think for themselves about what is right and wrong and how to behave in public, then they will less often find themselves in situations where negative peer pressure is effective. You cannot eliminate peer pressure (and probably shouldn't) but you have

@rick23: Remember the old microwave oven leak detectors? I popped mom's in the microwave just to see it light up. That was the only time it worked. The last time, for that matter.

@nickba: Funny, I was just thinking how I could build one for my son's room. I was thinking toys, but your idea has it's merits.

@mattuk: Is that geologist humor? We don't get many of your kind here.

@Aeros: You owe me a coffee and a keyboard.

@CompulsoryAnonym: Ah, the good ol' days. So many bottoms to pat, so little time.....