balloondoggle hates the new layout

@Rod_Z: My Evo will continue to receive text messages even in airplane mode. Do not rely on a mode to comply with precautionary measures. Turn the damn thing off for the 10 minutes they ask.

@abates25: If a stranger hits my kid - regardless of his behavior - I would call the cops. Thou shalt not touch my child for any reason. Discipline is MY job.

@Timmy: I do have a t-shirt that old, though my wife sleeps in it from time to time. It's a bit stretched out these days.....

About 10 years old and it cost me an hour of moderate effort, not $45.

@Almightywhacko: It looks like unrEVOked is still my only option, and it makes me nervous. I'll stick with Sprint's official channels to make my voice heard for now.

@lordhewlett: You forgot the football and NASCAR apps. And that stocks app keeps coming up, too.

@Ghostnappa9001: Thanks, I'll check that out. I forgot about that one because it didn't support Evo at first. It's been a while so maybe it's progressed.

@cc: I'm not comfortable with the warranty impact that would have, and not certain I have the tech ability to do it with the tools I've found online so far. I haven't checked lately, but unrEVOked was still a few steps I didn't fully understand. My phone is too expensive to risk on something so trivial in the big

@Almightywhacko: I'm not a fan of FPS games and would rather have the storage space for stuff I do like. I don't mind so much that it was presented for my consideration, but locking it so I can't delete it is just wrong. BB may get some occasional use just because I don't have to subscribe (and Netflix doesn't

Just don't take Sprint's recent bloatware deposit disguised as a "system update". I now have Blockbuster and a game demo I can't get rid of without rooting.

@Ryououki: I have owned my Evo since June. I get roughly 15 hours out of a full charge if I don't use it and keep it in airplane mode overnight.

@Kajigger Me Timbers: I think they see themselves as a "regional attraction" or something. They are thinly spread around in the areas they serve, and the advertising goes way beyond those boundaries. I wouldn't be too surprised to see them listed with a tourism board in many areas.

@iseshan: sue someone with no money and a prison sentence to complete while picking up a 5 digit debt based on the hope that your case will pay off.

@JuJuMonkeyBoy: I'd cancel my subscription if I had one. That's ridiculous.

@abeeee: Kind of like this:

Love how he had to keep moving the clock. I wouldn't have thought of that if I'd tried this.

@McMike: Great. Like a backseat driver needs backup. I tell my wife to sit in back if she wants to do that. In a conversion van it effectively gets her out of range if she actually moves.

This is why I don't allow my wife to have any tech or contact with the outside world.

@tremapar: That's "frickin' lasers" I believe.