balloondoggle hates the new layout

@apophis2936: The folks at the Creation Museum remember it too, but they seem to think it was a documentary.

@Fuzi Lojak: Mine was: "That's some thong!" Then I clicked through. Ugh.

@TheLQ: You don't already?

@2010-Camaro: I love how only 3 minutes elapsed between your warning and the fix. Now THAT's some fast froyo!

I like it! It has rhythm! You can dance to it!

@barrywoods: Man, that requires effort! Thought! Mad Skillz! I'm lazy.

@Turael: Everything I've gotten from Amazon has the logo on all sides. Didn't know I could get a plain brown wrapper. Are those only for orders from the "marital aid" section?

@theweakend: It never would have occurred to me to use Amazon for that. Waaaaaay back when, there was a web based service you could use to order groceries and they delivered to your door - fresh produce, meats, frozen, everything. Only got to use them once before they folded, but I've missed them since. Maybe it's

@verziehenone: Hear hear! I second the motion. All in favor state "Aye!"

Ahh, Myst. I'll have to go dust that one off tonight.

@N7: I thought the same thing - great live wallpapers!

@balloondoggle: The Nagasaki Archive the other day did a great job of lining up photos with existing landscape features, but it just wasn't the same with Google Earth's flattened out photos.

This is just gorgeous. I love the way the pictures put history into context.

@GhostAmongMen: I would like to have the hard copy also, if only as protection against obsolescence. I know the device and/or format won't last forever, and then how do I go back and re-read my favorites?

I hope this means they'll have accessories on site also. I finally went to to get a cover/case for my nook because the one cover B&N sold that wasn't designer or $30 apparently never actually got produced. They cancelled my pre-order without explanation.

You say you want to start a revolution.....

@Ohioan: 42. Back to my PBS now. Dinner's ready at 4:30.

@rjnerd: Two thirds of this comment are complete mumbo-jumbo to me. Thanks for making this 40-something feel young again!