balloondoggle hates the new layout

@electricarchie: Dammit, I was going to rent that this weekend! Now you've gone and ruined it. I read dumb people's comments. :)

@Jstas has gas!: Let's hear it for "Moose and Squirrel"! I love excellence in immaturity. Back in college I majored in immaturity. Damn tough degree to finish though.

@ss3: Unless they come from Monster Garage!!

@dallasmay: I tried them both and found them to be largely interchangeable. The only difference to me was using a physical keyboard vs. the touchscreen and that only came into play when shopping. what were you doing that had you going back and forth?

@buttnugget: Kindle 3! Now with more anorexia!

@Ron-Mexic0: I just wish the nook got as much attention. People keep asking me about my Kindle and look all puzzled when I tell them it's a nook.

@MyNameIsTooAwesome: But he won't and now there will be lawyers everywhere trying to turn up the original garage sale sellers so they can grab a percentage off the top.

I would have used a different musical selection ([] but this is a pretty cool video.

Seems like something our friends over at Make could remedy. A little EL wire, some LED's. Easy-peasy.

@avatar003: Nothing like a well-placed bug at highway speeds to teach mass and velocity lessons! Riding in Florida I caught a fair number of bugs on my hands, and one stinging bug I remember in particular that made it down my shirt.

@avatar003: Mt full face may have kept me from drowning once. The chin guard sat on something and kept my face out of the water until I came to. DOn't know if I was out for minutes, seconds or just moments.

@FritzLaurel: Slightly educated people know enough to be dangerous.

@jepzilla: I don't get it. What does Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome have to do with cell phones? What do I need to worry about? Should I not share my phone with strangers anymore?

@Spider_pig: I'll have the Michigan National Guard up there tomorrow morning after first formation. Should have Canada all wrapped up by lunch.

Does this mean I should stop holding out for BillandTedism?

@DeathcomFour: The good news is that they didn't do it to Mohammed, so they will live to offend you another day. Thank you for not being violent in your protest.

@adinnieken: And in this case "serious injury" was the only sensible option!

How did he not land in the wreckage? Much too close for comfort.

@Nick: I'm not really a universe, but I play one on TV.