
yeah maybe so, and maybe it's the dog that connects the dots…?

what led my mind there was the rat as a phone response "that makes you racist, not schizophrenic" conversation on the couch outside, and the possible explanation for his reason for leaving Princeton, and then Donald Glover's personal past with mental health

yeah I'm not so sure it's that's simple/analogous

was the scene with the man on the bus a bout of schizophrenia?

how the hell do these engineers not have adblock

Why do men do what Alex did? Offer up such a seemingly sincere proposal for platonic friendship, while he remains tragically in love with Tina.

Anyone else notice that Anna had her sandals on, on the couch?

douchey or trying to honor his masculinity? are those two the same thing?

why the David hate? Needing one conversation after the fact isn't analogous to "systematic avoidance". That scene itself I thought was superb as well. Please help me understand your diagnosis.

Do you think maybe you're harping too much on the nuances of this show/this character being so anti-sitcom-ish? This seems like less of a reaction against being a sitcom, and more of an attempt at honest expression/storytelling. I know it's easy to make the juxtaposition because of Parks & Rec, I just think it's

now that you mention it, I wholeheartedly agree. Appreciate your insight

as in Alston, specifically

really good fucking writing