
The sad thing is (coming from someone who lives in the middle of the country where no terrorist would ever come), we elect these tough talkers and they focus on this misguided terrorism bullshit that accomplishes nothing. When we should be voting for people that will help us with the actual issues in the Great

Being an accident or intentional doesn’t change the fact that they’re both random and unpredictable.

I was recently listening to a recording of Edward R. Murrow recalling his time in England during WWII (mixed with some of his original broadcasts from then, too). One of the segments was him recalling a story about air raid sirens started going off and how hundreds of people in the crowded streets were simply walking,

I say this all the time. People have no problem eating shit food, drinking alcohol every day, not exercising, and smoking cigarettes, basically giving themselves some type of heart disease. And then they’ll turn around and watch a video on how to protect yourself in a mass shooting situation and start mumbling about

Gotta love all those piss-pants scared yokels in the middle of nowhere deciding our foreign policy even though they’re less likely to be killed by a terrorist than winning the lottery that they spend $1,000/year on.

Counterpoint: Yes.

We can’t. It’s impossible.

Fear is the entire object of terrorism (it’s conveniently located right in the very word). Every time we overreact or change our ideals in the light of a terrorist act, we are complying with the wishes of the terrorist.

That’s ridiculous that the reporter would question Clooney about them at the UN for God’s sake.

I fear for the state of our current educational systems if people are linking this to the Radar Online story yesterday.

Ocean’s 14: Divorced Dad Hangout

hes too young for the time frame they were talking about

Isn’t Pitt too young for that to be him, though? I feel like he wasn’t a big enough star in the Eighties.

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This is the exact kind of celebrity gossip that I need to balance out the horror that is this election year.

I’m still running into people who are voting 3rd party in Ohio because “Trump and Hillary are equally bad.” We’re a fucking swing state, and people’s constitutional rights are on the line, but they, in the immortal words of Sam Bee, insist on remaining “morally pure” (have have the fucking PRIVILEGE to do so).

In his memoir, Corey Feldman said Haim told him someone raped him on the set of Lucas. So I thought of Charlie Sheen (who is in that film), and then laughed because lmao at him being a family man. And then I thought: Martin Sheen...and I was like faaaaaark.

Look, obviously I want to learn the identity of the A-list celebrity pedophile before anyone else. Indeed, this is basically my right as a voracious online tabloid reader.

HOW DARE YOU! Anyway, Pitt was a baby himself in the 80's.