
Thanks, Lloyd :).

Definitely all good points. I just wanted to toss the idea out there because of the events of the last week. If a compliment thread pops up again, it'll probably be a better alternative.

I remember that. That was cool.

I wouldn't want to step on GaryX's toes and do one for the entire website - it would just be for this group. I don't think I'm familiar enough with the AV Club as a whole to attempt that.

I think the first thing I'd nix is ranking of any kind, to be honest. I meant more of a nomination process where everyone selects categories and then I'd set up the ballots and people could vote about memorable comments or events or media or something. Ranking people seems like a loaded idea, so I'd want to stay away

Okay, I hope this doesn't sound too weird or creepy, but if you all actually have an interest in doing a Commies Awards thing but no one wants to run it because they feel awkward, I can volunteer? Since I'm a lurker, I might be more impartial or something? You have my word that I'll keep it respectful. It's just a

Thank you, that means a lot. I'm really pretty happy lurking, though!

Well… damn, haha. Thanks =). I'm pretty happy being a lurker, but that was really nice of you to say. Hope you have a good holiday!

Aw. It's cool to see your avatar again. On behalf of random lurkers everywhere, welcome back sll03.

Hah, yeah, that's sad but true. I must've missed that thread. Thanks for letting me know.

Ah, okay. It's probably stupid, but I guess I jump to worst-case-scenarios when folks don't show up for a while, so I figured I'd just ask. Appreciate you taking the time to fill me in.

Damn, those names take me back because it's been such a long time since I've seen them comment - I sort of figured they went their own ways. I meant more along the lines of like, violincatherine, MaizeKraize, sll03, Intermittent Hairdresser, roare, shionthekid, etc. since their absences have been more recent, I

Well, at least you know where they are.

This seems like as good a place to ask as any, so… where are a bunch of people? I've been noticing for a while that some regulars have disappeared, but it might just be me. I miss a lot of stuff because of ShitQus.

I can't shed much light on that because I don't really follow the conversations around here as much as I used to (thanks a lot, Disqus) but whatever triggered it, hopefully she'll take some time, get past it, and return. It would be a shame for you guys to lose another person over something like this.

Because everyone else seems to be slacking AGAIN (seriously, when did I sign up to be the lurker spokesman, here? I'm looking at you dafromann, Etienne, Ron Stoppable and all the others that are out there) I'll chime in. Don't be concerned about what happened last night. As far as I can tell, you handled it pretty

Right on, Etienne. Right on.

Well, shit. Where am I going to lurk now? Thanks for being my online hangout, everyone. Really sorry this happened, but glad this place exists.

Hey. I'm a lurker here and I know this is like, really after the fact and everything and I don't want to dredge stuff up, but I have something to say. At the real risk of sounding pretty creepy, I'll be upfront with you guys and just put it out there that I've probably been reading your comments on and off since