He said OK to a woman?
He said OK to a woman?
Yes, we will continue to progress until we are advocating for full communism by 2017.
Thought you guys weren’t really working?
I can’t relate to “what if this happened to me?” I can only relate via my relationship with women. I have never been sexually or physically victimized and have little chance of it ever happening to me. So I’m trying to sympathize as best I can.
I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life
Why the fuck do you give WWE any attention?
Without the Olympics, I would have to get myself psyched up to write five goddamn baseball posts a night.
Now we now why the damn pool turned green
Baseball is boring
she’s so hot
You guys just aren’t colorblind like Stephen Colbert And I
Aren’t bobble heads supposed to look goofy?
This is the first killing in a while that got to me. This man was doing everything right in life and in that stop. From what I’ve read so far, he was truly one of the good ones. And a shitty cop got scared and ended his life. I don’t post much on things like this, mostly because I’m a white middle age, middle class…
I was holding it together until this. Fuck.
Comment from my bestie on my outraged FB post this morning:
People are still making excuses. It's sick.
No record, no mugshot, no criminal past, legally permitted weapon, complete cooperation, all on video.
Good, glad the Bulls didn’t get that trade.