Maria Kang can't stop won't stop posting pictures of herself. The latest image is very strategically lit, and points…
Maria Kang can't stop won't stop posting pictures of herself. The latest image is very strategically lit, and points…
Known sexual predator Terry Richardson has had a busy month (all his months are busy because, despite the accounts…
It's still in the greys because it seems like a lot of selective approval by the author is occurring.
Hear hear! Why is this still in the grays?
As someone who has helped run a local LGBT clinic, I want to voice my opinion.
When I watched the movie, I felt that the movie was able to capture bits and pieces of the problems faced by different trans-gender men or women. Of course, we didn't live in their shoes and we can't judge how "accurately" it portrays the…
I give a shit. The got to march in the opening and closing ceremonies and were televised and discussed by the NBC announcers during the first night of Olympic coverage. And they didn't even bother to compete. That's outrageous.
For you and me, sure. But - assuming we scammed our way into the Olympics - we'd have a sense of humor about it. Whereas psychopaths HATE being laughed at.
They were featured and profiled in glowing terms on NBC and in major news reports. This lengthy detailed take-down is very much deserved, and the topic is newsworthy.
They got to go to the games, walk in both the opening and closing ceremonies and hang out in the athletes' village (re: athletes brothel).
Guys, I'm concerned about Jadeveon Clowney. Oh sure, he ran a sub-4.5 40 today at the combine and is perhaps the…
I miss every inch of Elliot Stabler.
I miss Elliot Stabler's forearms.
Just doing my part, ma'am.
He's Cumberbatch's looper, for sure.
Given how much time they devote to yelling and throwing rocks, you'd think that Palestine would have a world-class curling team.
It's like that old joke about how I went to a curling match and some women's tennis broke out.
I'm just happy that Olympic chicks now look like chicks.
Shannon Bridges is also alleged to have gotten vegetable matter all over her fiance's Wrangler jeans. He claims his Nationwide insurance policy won't cover the damage either. The defendant was most upset because he had planned to wear them out that night while hanging out drinking Mountain Dew with his National Guard…
But where is the racism in this?