
Sounds pretty rapey....and I bet on purpose to generate Controversy/Sales...

So Jezebel thinks every average-looking white guy is hawt??

She is also a Feminist..why isn’t everybody mentioning that?....

The jezebel story willjust encourage other men and women to do this....

Why the hate?? They were joshing him and then grabbed Shaffer and gave him a huge group hug...why don’t you show that too???...

Janae Marie should be allowed to compete in the women’s division.. otherwise it is discrimination and a lawsuit....

Banning Cosmo is definitely slut-shaming by women...again...

She was hoping for money.....

Because Tom Bardy is arrogant and thinks he is untouchable.....

Groundbreaking??? More like extortion...sound familair Gawker??

Not proof of rape....Just proof that lynch-mobs still exist...

Very Misandric article ...Surprised Jezebel or Gawker isn’t busy outing gay men too....Oh wait they did...

Why can’t Female comedians do Rauchy comedy? Isn’t it an Equal Right?.....

He’ll win because he is British....

Once again they basically shut out of the best shows on Cable...

We get it, Reporter Madeline Davies had an unhappy move on..

This was cruel and unprofessional...Britney’s a genuinely nice person unlike this “reporter”...shame on Julianne...

Ruined it? More like Amazeballed it!!

Tracee Ross Hoe should be fired....very unprofessional...

Obviously hacked...LOL!!!