
Just another example of mediocre white privilege stealing from the Blacks.....

Was this racism?

Ferrell danced like a Tired Toddler...

A Diss is never that obvious....

Seems reasonable....Do you know how much cocaine you can stuff in those ?.....

Just More "Predator Feminism" looking for Money....Anonymous can really pay off....

Proving once again anyone with Nordic features with minimal intelligence/personalty can be a star in this "Closet Racist" world...

And all the White Authority Feminists will "slut-shame" her in 3.....2.....1.....

Too Many "Gender feminists" using anonymous to create stalking havoc and lottery lawsuits....

Typical Slut-Shaming by other Women....

That's too "hevil" even for men.....

2 out of every 7 boys/teens are sexually molested by women....Why does the media keep sitting on this?....

And the freaks will say he "roped them" in 3.....2.....1.....

Explain to me how Palestine is in Conflict with the US again???

This smells like "Conflict promotion" by the restaurant Who were the Jewish complainers again??...

Gee, I wish we all could be as "perfect" as the Jezebel "activists"....

Her lawyer is leaking info to the press while wife Faye Grant denies doing it....Just another ugly divorce getting uglier....

It is Funny...But we all know a man would have been "fired" for this instead of being just banned for 6 months....

Nothing New about "Anal Eroticism".... What a bunch of "Car-Crash Watching" Prudes....

And the "Activists" will all blame Jews/Israel for this in 3....2....1....