
Definitely Sexist with a bit of Minority Shaming thrown in to???......Pretty Sad...

Too much Gender Bias on Jezebel these days...stop hating every man that exists might also solve the"problem"....

No Big Surprise this would happen when Gender Hate Feminism sets put to shame every man that exists.....

The Publicity Stalkers posing as "Activists" win much man-hate just because men exist.....

Oh yes they can be!!

Ummm...most pictures of women are taken by other women.....

Gender Feminism caused this...

Of course it was "rape'.....Every woman wants that paycheck......

"Realization" really hurts!!......

Wanting someone fired for making a mistake? Now that's pretty Dumb....

But Lagerfeld nailed it...selfies ARE electronic masturbation...

Yeah right..I can see all the photoshop as she "activists"...

Once she found out he had was a done deal....

The gender feminists on this site need to grow lives or get jobs already...

This is just code for "I want more money".....predictable nowadays....

Why are the comments closed on Josh Gondlemen's articles? Can't this closet case stand the heat???

I'm shocked by how many feminists defend him......

it was actually a woman.....

Does this balance out all the hate women throw at straight men for not being interested and publicly accusing them of being Gay?????

Your larger female friends probably have no problem calling straight guys gay if they're not interested....