
it was actually a woman.....

Does this balance out all the hate women throw at straight men for not being interested and publicly accusing them of being Gay?????

Your larger female friends probably have no problem calling straight guys gay if they're not interested....

More gender feminist outrage...This could be half of the story...we don't know if maybe she said something to the hipster first....

Sher should accuse Fashion photographer Terry Richardson of doing it so she can get more cash!!

Seems just like typical male shaming to me....

The problem is he makes it look easy so people have no problem criticizing him....

This sounds like a shakedown....using the media instead of the police....

Why aren't they going to the police already instead of going to the media???? Sounds like a shakedown...

Something smells here....Terry Richardson has photographed thousands of subjects....Did it ever occur that a couple of Borderline Personalities are taking advantage of his sexually charged atmosphere for money???...Leave him alone...this is harassment and man-shaming for the lottery lawsuit....shame on Gender feminism

She's my favorite feminist by far!!.....

Could she have mental issues and be looking for money/Attention?? does happen you know...

Having seen these "models" I wonder if they are just looking for money to help their delusions....

Nice "hipster racism".....

Lena Dunham's unfunny skits are more proof that feminism should be an intelligence.......and not a "talent"...

Just another creepy stalker...."All about Eve"in Grunge Rock form...

So Gawker is home of the "Humble-threat" now?.....

This would explain some of the "journalism" on Gawker....

That look is the hipster look...probably cost 1000's in conditioners....

Greta throws her 3 dollar drink for effect.....