
I'd put the MR2 way above the Corvette for the coolest car you could buy in 1985.

The fucking Dodge Miranda makes the list but not the SA/FB RX7? Really?

I've deployed it hundreds of times over the last two years and love it. It's had much lower infection rates than anything else I've seen. I've even used it to clean up systems that my other AV tools couldn't clean.

Combofix and rkill.

Everyone missed the Ford GT?

You're on crack, Matt. If enough people cared about Pontiac (and if Pontiac had built cars worth a shit for the last thirty years of its life) the brand would still be here today. No one bought the Solstice GXP coupe when they could, no one wished they could scrape up the cash to afford the GXP when they were

Umm, they do sell iPhones at Wal-Mart.

I'm not anti-gun. I just don't fetishize them. They are a tool, nothing more.

They were effective in Iraq because we left the old Iraqi army ammo dumps intact and unguarded, allowing them to take thousands of artillery shells which were converted to IED's. In Afghanistan, insurgents have the advantage of native knowledge of terrain, funding from outside countries and opium sales, and decades of

"Note the states/cities with the toughest gun laws, have the highest crime. New York, LA, DC, Chicago, MD. Owning a handgun in Chicago and DC until recently was illegal for 25 years, they had absolutely no crime, right?"

Concealed carry permits aren't the problem. Routine traffic stops are the most dangerous part of police work. You're more likely to get shot when you pull someone over on a traffic violation than in any other part of the job.

The cop took it way over the line in a couple of ways and deserves to be suspended. But Williams did literally put his life in jeopardy by not telling the officers immediately that he had a gun and a concealed carry permit. That is chapter one-verse one of any concealed carry course worth a damn, because if the cops

To steal a line from Oscar Levant, if you put the Mt. Whitney telescope inside the Mt. Palomar telescope, you still couldn't detect my interest in this car.

Anyone taking bets that Roger the Ratfucker wasn't running an operation like this in the US?

Broke the glass on my 3GS in its second week. Pricks charged me $200 to "exchange the glass with a demo unit we had in back." (They though that was doing me a favor because they couldn't transfer contacts and email to the $200 refurb they first offered.)

The price isn't that bad, but the best bang-for-the-buck is still a line out from the sound card to any decent stereo tuner/amp (look for old Marantz equipment at garage sales and flea markets) and then a good set of speakers, like the Paradigm Mini Monitors.

They actually do have a lot of value. The test where you follow the cops finger with your eyes is a great way to measure intoxication because when you're drunk your eyes move in a ratchet motion. The more drunk you are, the more pronounced the ratcheting is. I know experienced cops who can get within .005 of the

Wait. After two years the races are pulling a 0.35 share and it's Comcast's fault for not pouring more money down this shithole?

I still think extreme eating is a sick joke of a sport, but this is an excellent piece of writing. Very nicely done.

"Toyota and Nissan wagered ($4 billion) launching Lexus and Infiniti, businesses that are still a work in progress."