
This time they didn't let eight year-olds take a crack at it with an Uzi, right? That's an improvement.

Great choice for favorite inline four day. Today, not so much.

Not in your lifetime or mine.

I'm happy the iPhone extinguished all of your doubts today. But some of us still have some questions and disappointments.

What the hell is it with Detroit reporters and inserting themselves into stories about famous people dying? #mitch_albom_is_satan

RHL Fidelitas now arriving dock eight. Dock nine. Dock ten.

That wasn't a fail. They were pulling that ship ashore to cut it up for scrap. In the last 20 seconds the camera pans to the left a little and you see the dissected hull of the ship the incoming ship has crashed into.

I think the F50 is much easier on the eyes than the Enzo.

No. BMW signed a deal with Lamborghini to build the M1, but they had a cash crunch after building a few cars and couldn't complete the deal. All but seven of the cars were built by BMW in Germany.

"While M1s are certainly important cars, like many other vehicles of the era, it's performance capabilities have not stood the test of time. What was once considered one of the fastest performers in the world is now a half second slower from0-60 than a brand new V6 Mustang."

Let's run that through Babelfish's PR Bullshit to English translator: "We're going to miss the June launch for iPhone 5 so I have to give the lemmings something to hold them over the summer."

If the facts of the case matter to you, the McDonald's coffee lady suffered third degree burns across her groin from that cup of coffee. (Let me know what you'd want for that injury.) The jury also awarded punitive damages because McDonald's had been warned keeping its coffee this hot could seriously injure customers,

Not hitting the pipe as hard as the $140,000 G-body from yesterday, but what does?

"...why did the video explain the fine tuning and calibration control in detail, saying how you can get the picture just the way you want it."

Not a bad look for the rear end (too derivative of Bangle BMW's, as noted) but the big problem is that the look falls apart at the front of the c-pillar. It's two different designs on one car.

I'm afraid so.

Have you people been passing the pipe? $47K is stupid money for any 308, especially one with smogged Webers. They're also phenomenally underwhelming to drive. The first Ferrari I drove was a 308 2v and I came away thinking how much the performance sucked compared to my Kawasaki EX500.

Pony up. Rupert.

Tesla launches a lawsuit and PR blitz over a three year-old review, at the same time Fisker is actually starting production and getting the first reviews of the Karma.