
If only there were a way to depict lawsuits on Failblog...

It's taken more than five hours for someone to mention the BMW M88? Yeesh.

@deftonesboy360 - Nah, they're six months apart. The Karma was announced in September 2007 and the Type S came in the early spring of 2008.

Going into production for six years? That would be a hell of a trick since the company was founded less than three and a half years ago.

Not directly related to Top Gear, but has anyone else noticed that while Tesla has been spewing tons of PR bullshit about the Model S and their Silicon Valley brilliance for the last three years, Fisker has actually gotten their car into production?

Nowhere is the gulf between money and intelligence wider than in Florida.

With his love for rallying, I think he'll adapt without a lot of problems.

Now TTAC can return to its scheduled "100% bitter, 90% wrong" programming.

Yes, but how?

The first reason is the runway. Judging by damage to roads in the region the runways at this field were almost certainly rendered inoperable by the quake. If the runways and taxiways were still usable, taking off after a massive quake like this would be extremely dangerous because of the risk of an aftershock before

"If, say, BMW invites you to ride in a new BMW M5 on a Swedish lake, the cynic in you might expect one of those shambolic "passenger" rides where the hapless journalist attempts to glean something of use riding shotgun."

No thanks. I've never driven a car with 1000 hp but I have spent time on sportbikes with similar power-to-weight ratios and the truth is, that much more power never equals more fun. Places where you can unleash a 1200hp Lotus are few and far in between. Your survival instinct will keep you from even thinking of

I'd be skeptical of any car that was near New Orleans during Katrina, but this one is supported by its price. If this was rebuilt from hurricane salvage he spent a lot more than $4800 to get it back to this condition. Unless the owner likes spending $20K on restoration to sell the car for $5K, this is a hall of fame

"...given their legal fights with Mahindra, the EPA probably had to run the tests with a pickup bed full of lawyers."

@Lando Cash: I'd say typical for someone in that part of Connecticut. Lot of investment bankers and hedge fund managers have houses there, and they got to break the economy and get someone else to pay for it.

If the engine and drive train aren't showing signs of their imminent demise, this is a stone-cold steal. Worth $6K just for autocrossing.

It's kinda funny hearing this from the network that carries Major League Baseball.

@Dusty Duster: If you're going fast enough to cut a car in half and you're shitfaced, I think that clearly moves the needle into the Darwin range.

I thought the Professional Car Society proved the car was a fake, and Jalopnik reported their findings.