
@pidgeonsplatz: Actually, he does. Ebert communicates more with his readers than any other writer I know, and he's promoted the work of many amateur film critics over the years.

@subframespacer: Your mom bought an inflatable Jill Wagner? Schwing!

@superhappyfuntime: Because if enough people believe something that makes it true, regardless of the facts?

@Kajigger Me Timbers: The New New Journalism is all about attitude. Informing readers is someone else's job.

@Potatosw✭tter: It was the Hummer tax credit - $25K in tax credits for buying 6,000 pound vehicles if you filed taxes as a small business or self-employed.

Civil forfeiture, and if you know anything about this little section of the code you know that the second-worst law isn't even close.

The first picture is especially telling. By chance or design, Roush had only a slight nose-down pitch when the right wingtip hit the ground, and he was able to hold it close to flat through the impact.

A pilot eyewitness on says Roush came in slow and at a high angle of attack, and appeared to go into a stall. The wing hit first and the aircraft spun 180 degrees.

@Ray Wert: You're saying the Flex and the SHO and the Taurus X are the exact same car? I've driven two of the three and, although it's obvious they're related, there are also obvious differences in how they drive.

@Ray Wert: It also says you drove the Fiesta before you heaped praises upon it.

@Elhigh: About a Car/CUV/SUV/Whatever that no one has driven.

@VeeArrrSix: Yeah, Jalopnik is all that stands between us and Alan Mullaly flushing the biggest business success story in the last century down the fucking toilet.

@TechnoDestructo: You're wrong about Ford getting financing with a government guarantee. Ford had mortgaged everything by early 2008, long before there was any talk of loan guarantees.

@MaxSmart32: I'm still trying to figure out a car enthusiast site so strongly defending the honor of the Ford Explorer and what constitutes a "real SUV".

@McMike: And there are still four million old Explorers on the road (true fact) for the five hundred people who want to do that to one.

"Unworthy of the Explorer name"? You write about the older Explorers like they were legends of the Rubicon Trail, or like Ford was selling Baja pre-runners to all those suburban moms.