
@schall129: I don't work for Gizmodo or Gawker, but the reason for their silence is because the raid on Jason Chen's apartment was part of a criminal investigation. Their lawyers are (wisely) telling them to say nothing about the case.

@BlueBomb: Your old cars almost never broke down. But they apparently infected you with Bimmer personality disorder and, well, points can be fixed.

Now taking bets on the words "cell phone" being featured prominently in the accident report...

A race surviving on its history should be paced by a car that's also a shadow of its former self.

How can you miss us if we won't go away?

@ab3: Once you get out of sixth grade you don't do as many screen grabs.

That is so cool. Cheers to Camden!

Yes, it's only ten grand, and yes, that's after a 20% rebate off the MSRP. Don't think that's not the most outrageous? Then buy one of these instead of a $55K Flex or $170K 911.

Unless that a steel slantnose and a Richard Strahman convertible job, this is total crackpipe.

@sinyster: Just a guess, but maybe because the Range Rover starts at $80K?

@Ben Wojdyla: I see what you did there. Well played, sir.

Didn't play well with Ad Block Plus. If you open with multiple tabs any affected site will hang on loading stuff like and the tab won't open.

Cat 789.

@jodark: I just asked you about the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, which are not floating and are melting. (Greenland at the rate of 57 cubic miles per year.)

I went back and forth about this, memories of a three-day road trip in the early 90's combating the electrical system, the water pump, the nosebleed parts prices, the everything.

@jodark: What about the ice covering Greenland and Antarctica, Einstein?

@MaWeiTao: Bu-bu-but-but Bob Lutz is the only person who can save Detroit!

@scottmeisterer: I wouldn't judge the IOM, but can I make a joke about the colliding galaxies of dickness if Clarkson and Mansell should ever turn up in the same pub?