
Bran = NK was always a bit dumb, but I’ve always been partial to the idea that the 3ERs are not necessarily ‘a force for good’, and have possibly played some role in bringing about a lot of conflict throughout the ages, either by mistake (messing about with the past and inadvertently creating disaster), or by some

shrug, he wore all black in RoJ when he did hang our with Ewoks...

The lamestream media is working hard to discredit the theory. How … convenient.

Character who plays obvious stoner rebuffs stoners theory.

Kafka must be the best example of why maybe we shouldn’t burn author’s works after their death at their behest.

Two years later and I still can’t believe he’s gone. The fact that the author who basically singlehandedly shaped my way of thinking as a teenager and, partially, as a grown-up was still alive and active somehow was incredibly comforting. His death left some part of me hollow.

Gregor Samsa awoke one morning to find himself as flat as a pancake.

Kafka wishes he thought of that

iPhone users will have to rely on “new gesture controls”

You know what I hate about Kinja? I keep finding myself in places like Gizmodo with no warning. If I wanted to go there I’d do it myself.

The New Adventures of Superman’s Quest for Peace

I think part of the perception that violence has increased has to be with our modern media culture. Everyday you can see stories, videos, and pictures from war-torn regions browsing news sites, watch fights on social media, and hear about all the weird, scary crime in your area from nightly local news anchors. The

Ironically, I read the plots to Walker Texas Rangers episodes and they’re all about helping people. Chuck Norris, however, would roundhouse kick a starving child.

Jesus, Katie. Trump is the worst, but you are reaching so hard here to make your daily snark quota.

That situation is exactly the same! Here’s your totally not false equivalency trophy.

Llamas is dangerous, so if you see one where you’re swimming shout “Look out! There is Llamas!!”

People had their faces covered because they rightly feared busybody assholes like Tom Llamas would dime them out to the cops!

When I was enumerating the many faces of Cooper, I realized that we have to include Lodge Cooper, the placid, terse fellow who spends some time floating about in a near-silent art movie before being sucked into an Interociter and spat out through a power socket, at which point he gets hit with the Dougie Overlay and