Well since we were all kids then of course they think the 90's were a simpler time. Just like the 50's before it. And the Pre WWI year before them. And the 1890's. ...
Well since we were all kids then of course they think the 90's were a simpler time. Just like the 50's before it. And the Pre WWI year before them. And the 1890's. ...
Nah, I mean I can’t speak for the city outside of the touristy areas but I never felt particularly unsafe there. IMO Atlantic City is way worse.
I was reading that without looking at the authors and I thought to myself “I would bet the farm that this is Katie Rife.” Sure enough. It’s precisely the kind of lazy, relentlessly politicized nonsense that she spouts nonstop. Contrast that with Ignatiy Vishnevetsky’s comments that provide some genuine insight and a…
I rewatched the premiere a few nights ago and it was almost better than I remembered. I think the season may even be better the second time around.
Happy to star, you pretty much covered all the big points about this ep. Well done.(Also, man, fuck Kinja.)
Happy to star. I had many of the same feelings and questions. I love the Mitchum brothers. I don’t know why. But I do. And I’m worried about Becky. Well, more like sad about her because I’m pretty sure she’s gone. I thought Richard’s death was long coming and perfect. Diane being a Tulpa was unexpected, although come…
Spoilers in the headline? What the fuck? Can’t I refresh the reviews page without getting spoiled so heavily? I just wanted to check the letter grade before diving into the episode, and now... well, it won’t be quite as fun, will it, Emily?
When Audrey walked into the Roadhouse, I yelled at my TV “Eat that, Internet! It’s not a coma!”
No shit! Some of my favorite cartoons come from that time, and I haven’t seen their like since. Freakazoid probably WAS the weirdest, though it sure had a lot of competition from Ren and Stimpy. I might actually call it a tie.
The movie does have some striking imagery, as Alex notes, which comes at the expense of the novel Mrs. Frisby And The Rats Of NIMH, which has no supernatural bullshit or evil rats, just philosophical differences, hard work and brutal consequences. I don’t recall if Bluth was involved with the Disney adaptation of The…
King of the Andals, The First Men, and the CancerAids.
So, first off, Donald Trump is an asshole.
So is Taylor Swift
It would be awesome (or at least interesting) if she was owning being evil with her snake emoji persona and her revenge lists, but she’s at the same time saying she’s the victim? Taylor got caught lying about giving Kanye consent to mention her in his song, which reinforces all sorts of terrible race and gender…
Joey Dumba$$
Excited by this timely new How To Do Shit feature! Maybe you could have one on web design.
Wtf happened to this site?
I had this on VHS in 1989, and wore the damn thing out from replaying and heavy pot smoking. Black tar resin all up in there, mmph! as Jerri Blank would grunt. Happy it will be properly broadcast, it’s dazzling.
Was there for the filmed show in Rotterdam ‘87, during a teen ‘Eurailpass’ trip. A life-changing stumble-into, and great memories - of seeing the concert film, too.
I so desperately need to see this as Sign O’ The Times is easily my favorite of Prince’s albums. Whoever I tell this to, I always get the “What about Purple Rain?” a/o “1999" argument? For me, however, this is his most complete album. So, who has Showtime and what kind of pizza do you like?