There is a certain logic to it, but I've never seen a man having boobs get in the way of his enjoyment of them on women.
There is a certain logic to it, but I've never seen a man having boobs get in the way of his enjoyment of them on women.
I know! Next thing you know, they will start adding gratuitous Trump references to every article!
"Meanwhile, Pornhub has a remarkably safe-for-work breakdown …"
It put me off Phil Collins-era Genesis completely for decades. I was only a year ago I heard Abacab and remembered it was actually a great album.
Exactly. I believe in the right of dickheads to write racist songs. I also believe in the right of iTunes and Spotify to not carry them. This is a case where the system works.
I am guessing a service that carries 30 million songs doesn't have a detailed vetting process.
They really hate dreidels.
You are right that cocksucker is more a term aimed at guys as a slur. I've very rarely seen it used for men.
And then it gets a second identical spike around 1988 when Bush wins.
Are books getting more profane or are the selected words getting less profane? After all, "damn" used to be pretty harsh language at one time.
Eliza beat them to that.
Yeah, but to continue your analogy, this sounds like a Funko Pop knock-off.
And on the flipside, the movie business keeps thinking it can make better movies by asking test audiences what they want to happen, resulting in every movie with an effective, unhappy ending needing to retooled.
There are few adjectives that can sap my interest in a videogame faster than "cinematic". When you go all the way to "cinematic-style storytelling", I am completely out.
And the Spellmans are openly critical of Donald Trump.
Producer Malcolm Spellman on that topic:
Here are two of them.
I don't have an answer, as I clearly don't know. I can think of a few off the top of my head, but I don't keep a tally.
Please humor me and elaborate.
Which is silly, as anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see this if going to be a show made to make conservative Southerners look really bad.