
But those were mainstream popular entertainment in their time. Plenty of controversial works were shut down in the first half of the century for being too controversial. Once you go down the road of public outcry preventing things from getting made, nothing the entire public wants gets made.

Last time I checked, Condederate has more black producers and writers than the AV Club has black commenters, but somehow the AV Club keeps erasing them from its articles to fit the controversy.

Sadly, I'm betting there is an iron-clad NDA in her prenup tied to the payouts she gets after a divorce.

I also have the rule that when I must eat at a shitty restaurant, I go for the most basic thing on the menu. At a place like Applebees, Their burgers will probably be adequate. Their BBQ shrimp with Sriracha-lime sauce has more room to go very wrong.

I'm a little torn on this. American Gods had a shorter season than intended because it is such a big undertaking. Amazing Stories is going to be a lot of work as it is an anthology series with a new cast and setting every episode.

A requirement of a good fight scene is having some emotional investment. That GoT scene isn't good just because the choreography is good. It is good because we are seeing Brienne and Arya fight.

GJI staffers continue their streak of being the most easily terrified people on earth.


Once the idea that you support your opinion by throwing the first punch is normalized, the fascists have basically won. A society in which the people with the strongest punched are always right also is a bad place for women.

I wondered if they had rewound to the point before the headed out from Jackrabbit Palace. They didn't remember what happened, and it wasn't so much that they lost their memories as much as they were pushed back before it happened.

It is a particularly fun show to discuss because there is so much genuine ambiguity within the show. It isn't making clear, concrete points and setting up questions that will have clear answers next week. It makes it really fun to see what other people see in the show.

That too!

I like the idea that this pissed him off more than anything.

Also them not calling the cops, and her being confused at why they didn't. Things just happen in a dream, even your own actions. She didn't call the cops because that isn't what happened in the dream.

"Dale, I had another Bing Crosby dream last night."

I loved Cole's calculated uncomfortable silence when Lucy tries to engage him small talk, waiting frozen until she reverts to putting him through to the sheriff.

"How long have I been out?"

Fuck Chad indeed. I loved that they were actually serving up lunch in the meeting room when they arrested him as a kind of final fuck you.

Because these people are all enormous cowards preying on those with less power than them.

The irony here is that I've gotten the impression that Trump has been so eager to have a terrorist act he can respond to in his manly way. Well, he got it, and now he is too cowardly to come out against it for fear of losing his base.