I didn't get the impression Jon had any intention of telling Dany that he died. The interruption just prevented the scene from turning into a long awkward scene.
I didn't get the impression Jon had any intention of telling Dany that he died. The interruption just prevented the scene from turning into a long awkward scene.
They really laid on the irony with Sam talking over her delivery of crucial information by having Sam complaining about how the Maester's never listen to anything he says.
When the renowned smuggler showed up at King's Landing and just parked his boat on the beach in broad daylight, I was incredulous. By the end of scene was the watchmen, he had lived up to his reputation.
But their autobahns!
We can't comment here. This is Kinja country.
I never said all the counter-protesters were antifa, and I never said counter-protestors were bad. Counter-protesting is good. Showing up to fight is bad.
There is a big difference between an organized army going out and fighting a war and antifa types deciding they are going to show up at right wing rallies and punch Nazis.
Once we decide we are going to settle this conflict with violence, it is the most violent, heartless and ruthless that are going to win.
It probably does take a lot effort for these guys to get hard. at least.
Thinking further about Maris, in the same way that Niles was more extreme than Frasier to push Frasier closer to relatability when needed, they had Maris be more extreme than even Niles so she could perform the same function for him. It is just a perfectly constructed sitcom.
It is unintentional meta to do a bit on the President's need for constant praise while your bandleader constantly interrupts your monologue with praise.
I remember as far back as the '70s, and people then mostly read potboiler thrillers and mysteries. Airport novels. Some of them were solid reads, but they weren't exactly challenging.
It wasn't even the biggest animation hit of 1987. That was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'd say Duck Tales was the better show, but that's not the same thing as putting television animation on the map.
Actually, people from that country are called Liberians.
David Angell, one of the creators of the show, was on one of the planes on 9/11. I can see why the writers wouldn't have a lot of time for people using their friend and co-worker's death for their own bullshit.
I don't know if I like her, but I don't have to like her to think this is awesome. Good for her.
Whoever they are, they have gone too far, and they had best watch their mouths.
Nothing makes me stop applauding faster then someone waving their arms to encourage it.
Let's not bring the nephews into this. It's not that kind of show!
Pot was the reason I could just look at my section of the screen if that rule was in effect. If I was sober, not seeing everything was impossible. When I was high, I could get a laser focus on my corner of the screen and block out the rest.