The deleted scenes with Laura and her family are really great. They add a little more contrast to her home life which make the whole thing even more tragic and horrifying.
The deleted scenes with Laura and her family are really great. They add a little more contrast to her home life which make the whole thing even more tragic and horrifying.
As long as you don't call me a pretentious poseur for liking it, I am fine with you not liking it.
I believe that "Serve food that people don't shy away from" is mentioned in the first chapter of the textbook on restaurant management.
My sister's eldest is the pickiest eater in the world. It could be hard to get him to eat anything at times. My sister was tormented that she was doing something horribly wrong. Then her second kid came along, and he'll eagerly try any dish. Even if he hates it, he seems to enjoy the adventure of having tried…
There is also the fact that restaurants are perfectly happy to pack up leftovers for you.
And one of the right times for broccoli is when it is slathered in melted cheese.
"If adults visited a restaurant and shied away from foreign ingredients such as cardoons or Grana Padano, would that restaurant take those items off the menu as well?"
That scene actually was pretty great, both in her performance and Tennant's reaction. It's really all the times it came up the course of the season that I disliked.
Stop with the pun thread or my mom will shoot!
Coincidentally. the original Rambo was half-Cherokee, half-German.
I agree. On the whole she did have a good character act. I just felt the unrequited romance part of it didn't work.
This doesn't really have anything to do with the Henson Estate. The Muppets are owned by Disney, and Henson was negotiating to sell them to Disney when he died, so even that isn't a betrayal of his legacy. He wasn't really interested in cranking out Muppet projects forever.
There is also the age thing. Is Richard Horne really supposed to be 25? He doesn't read as that old.
Given R. Kelly's Zorro outfit, maybe he is the Batman we deserve.
That excludes the fact that she wouldn't have just whacked someone in the head with a remote like that unless she was already a little disconnected.
Belushi gets a lot of crap, and he has been in a lot of crap, but he really is great in the right part.
Look! The room came with a fruit hat!
Yeah, that was kind of what I was thinking.
Good point. That is the reason for most of the chronology problems on the show.
Do earlier drafts of a script count as a deleted scene? I was always under the impression the term only referred to something was actually produced but not included.